
WFOT Occupational Therapy International Practice Guide

By : 1290 Views20/08/2020
WFOT Occupational Therapy International Practice Guide

Working in a different country/territory can be a unique, enriching, professional and personal experience. You should ensure that your personal physical and emotional health is excellent before embarking on your transition to another country/territory. You must be able to withstand with changes in climate, nutrition, working hours, conditions and human attitudes to enable you to be an effective occupational therapist in a new country/territory. These guidelines are designed to provide general information and guidance based on experience of the others. They are not exhaustive and you are strongly recommended to research as much information as possible before re-locating to another country/territory. Further information, please visit HERE  Download [12.04 MB] ...
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Culture, race and ethnicity and the impact on Occupational Performance

By : 1867 Views05/08/2020
Culture, race and ethnicity and the impact on Occupational Performance

“Culture us profoundly and inextricably tied to matters of health and healthcare”  – Jaime Phillip Munoz (2007) PRACTICE DILEMMA 1: The young, Caucasian occupational therapy (OT) student walked into the clinic of a large urban hospital knowing that the first patient of the day was a 54-year-old African – American man who was a day laborer on the piers. He had recently had hand surgery for a Dupuytren contracture release and needed functional activities to stretch the tendons in the third and fourth fingers of his dominant right hand. She greeted him warmly and then went to the cupboards and pulled out a sand painting kit. She was a technically smart student and knew that pushing the colored sand into the the frame to make a small wall hanging would provide the kind of sustained finger stretching that the patient needed. Following the session, as the student reflected...
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