By : 840 Views08/09/2020

RS Online Departmental Seminar  Topic: Community care on geriatric syndromes Speaker: Dr Freddy Lam Assistant Professor (Physiotherapy) Department of Rehabilitation Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Date:          16 September 2020 (Wed) Time:          12:30pm – 02:00pm Language:  English ►Platform:  Online (Zoom)  Meeting ID will be sent to successful registrants. ►PT and OT CPD points will be accredited to registered attendees. A certificate will be sent through e-mail after the seminar. *If the number of participants exceeds the capacity limit of Zoom meeting, a recording of the seminar will be sent to those who cannot get into the meeting room afterwards, but those participants WILL NOT be able to grant the CPD points.   Enquiries:  Ms Yoki Lee (email: rs.crm@polyu.edu.hk) Registration Deadline:   14 September 2020 (18:00) Download...
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Non-pharmacological interventions for cognition and emotion in psychiatric disorders (Webinar on 26 Aug 2020)

By : 970 Views24/08/2020
Non-pharmacological interventions for cognition and emotion in psychiatric disorders (Webinar on 26 Aug 2020)

Title: Non-pharmacological interventions for cognition and emotion in psychiatric disorders Speaker: Dr Jessie Lin Language: English Platform: Zoom (A meeting ID will be sent to successful registrants) Please sign up by 22 Aug 2020: https://polyu.hk/MvOQC PT and OT CPD points will be accredited. A certificate will be sent to registrant through e-mail after the seminar. Enquiries: Ms Yoki Lee (email: rs.crm@polyu.edu.hk) ...
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By : 1070 Views24/08/2020

The 2021 National Conference will combine the live in-person event on location in Cairns with a virtual online conference.  Bringing you oral presentations, occupation stations, workshops, ePosters, Keynote and Invited Speakers, panels and more to the Hybrid Program this is an event not to be missed! As the first National Conference held outside a capital city in 10 years, OTA selected Cairns as the host city in 2021 to support, and generate conversations with our rural and remote OT community. Now embracing the hybrid format, we can extend that vision to include each and every occupational therapist across Australia and internationally.  See you online, or in-person – in 2021!   To find out more about what a hybrid event means read our blog post here #OTAUS2021 Abstracts Closing 6 September: A Message from Dr Justin Scanlan ...
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WFOT Occupational Therapy International Practice Guide

By : 1292 Views20/08/2020
WFOT Occupational Therapy International Practice Guide

Working in a different country/territory can be a unique, enriching, professional and personal experience. You should ensure that your personal physical and emotional health is excellent before embarking on your transition to another country/territory. You must be able to withstand with changes in climate, nutrition, working hours, conditions and human attitudes to enable you to be an effective occupational therapist in a new country/territory. These guidelines are designed to provide general information and guidance based on experience of the others. They are not exhaustive and you are strongly recommended to research as much information as possible before re-locating to another country/territory. Further information, please visit HERE  Download [12.04 MB] ...
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MCNV looks for International OT volunteer – starting from Jan 2021

By : 1132 Views12/08/2020
MCNV looks for International OT volunteer – starting from Jan 2021

Medical Committee Netherlands – Vietnam (MCNV) is a Netherlands-based NGO founded in 1968 based on friendship and solidarity of Vietnamese and Dutch. Since then, all activities of MCNV are forwarding to the support to develop the programs, projects and the emergency aid in health care of the Vietnamese. During last 20 years MCNV has been supporting People with Disabilities focusing on Rehabilitation Service and Inclusion. To contribute to filling the gaps of rehabilitation services and system at both provincial and district levels, MCNV has been implementing I-Thrive Project in Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam Provinces. Within this project, MCNV support Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) to provide a 12-month course on Occupational Therapy (OT). MCNV is looking for a volunteer to provide coaching on OT clinical practice for health staffs (called OT practitioners hereafter) in...
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Culture, race and ethnicity and the impact on Occupational Performance

By : 1869 Views05/08/2020
Culture, race and ethnicity and the impact on Occupational Performance

“Culture us profoundly and inextricably tied to matters of health and healthcare”  – Jaime Phillip Munoz (2007) PRACTICE DILEMMA 1: The young, Caucasian occupational therapy (OT) student walked into the clinic of a large urban hospital knowing that the first patient of the day was a 54-year-old African – American man who was a day laborer on the piers. He had recently had hand surgery for a Dupuytren contracture release and needed functional activities to stretch the tendons in the third and fourth fingers of his dominant right hand. She greeted him warmly and then went to the cupboards and pulled out a sand painting kit. She was a technically smart student and knew that pushing the colored sand into the the frame to make a small wall hanging would provide the kind of sustained finger stretching that the patient needed. Following the session, as the student reflected...
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By : 1148 Views05/08/2020

The General Statistics Office (GSO) has successfully conducted The National Survey on People with Disabilities. This survey belongs to the National Statistics Survey issued by the Prime Minister at Decision No.803/QD-TTg dated on June 28th, 2012. This is the first time Vietnam conducted a large scale survey with comprehensive information which used the measures based on the international standards on disability. The report is in bilingual (Vietnamese – English). Scroll down for further reading. Download [10.21 MB] ...
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E-learning program on Patient and Caregiver Education

By : 994 Views27/07/2020
E-learning program on Patient and Caregiver Education

Humanity & Inclusion Vietnam releases its e-learning program on Patient and Caregiver Education aiming at improving current practices related to patient discharge and transition of care from hospital to the patient’s home. Training objectives : Overall objective is to improve current practices related to patient discharge and transition of care from hospital to the patient’s home. At the end of the training, participants will be able to effectively train and educate patients and their care-takers or family members so that care follow-up can take place at home following patient discharge from hospital. Targets : Rehabilitation service providers, including but not limited to: physio/occupational/speech therapists, nurses and doctors. Structure : In order to be able take the course according to their professional settings, participants have the possibility to take the 6 modules at...
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Core concepts and Skills – Development and Occupations

By : 976 Views06/07/2020
Core concepts and Skills – Development and Occupations

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Mental Health Concepts &Techniques for the Occupational Therapy Assistant

By : 541 Views06/07/2020

Fourth Edition, LWW Mary Beth Early, MS, OTR ...
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MCNV – who we are?

By : 1197 Views06/07/2020
MCNV – who we are?

In 1968, the Dutch medical doctors Professor Jaap de Haas, Dr. Nick van Rhijn and Dr. Fred Groening founded the Medical Committee Netherlands-Vietnam. They were indignant about the Americans’ technological warfare in Vietnam and distressed by the suffering of the Vietnamese people. MCNV’s goal was to offer large-scale medical help to the worst hit areas in Vietnam. In spite of the overall global economic growth, a large amount of people does not yet benefit from this increased wealth and prosperity. They are structurally excluded from the opportunities and benefits that increased wealth could bring, if divided differently within their societies, and are severely discriminated against. The international concern about the growing disparities within nations is expressed in the ‘Leave No One Behind’ commitment in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). MCNV contribute with programs...
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What is Occupational Therapy?

By : 1900 Views06/07/2020
What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by working with people and communities to enhance their ability to engage in the occupations they want to, need to, or are expected to do, or by modifying the occupation or the environment to better support their occupational engagement. (WFOT 2012) ...
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Vietnam has the first batch of bachelors in occupational therapy

By : 1106 Views06/07/2020
Vietnam has the first batch of bachelors in occupational therapy

August 6th 2019 – 36 students have received their bachelor degrees in Occupational Therapy (OT) from the Haiduong Medical Technical University and become the first Occupational Therapists in Vietnam. This is the significant result of a 5 – year project (2016 – 2020) on Development of Occupational Therapy Education in Vietnam funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and the Medical Committee of Netherlands-Vietnam (MCNV). The project is piloted at Hai Duong Medical Technical University (HMTU) and the Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University (UMP) with aims at addressing the big gap of occupational therapy human resource in Vietnam through create enabling conditions to establish education of OT professions in Vietnam, including provision of OT educators, and development of a standard competency-based curriculum...
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National survey on people with disabilities 2016

By : 861 Views06/07/2020
National survey on people with disabilities 2016

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History of Occupational Therapy

By : 2462 Views06/07/2020
History of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy has a rich but complicated history. It was initiated in industrial developed countries, in late 19th and early 20th century. It has been influenced, as all professions have, by world events, personalities, and social movements. Important examples that have influenced the evolution of occupational therapy include industrialization, women’s rights, wars, economic downturns, health care legislation, and the digital age. In US, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) was established over 100 years ago and similar to European countries. In Asia, right after the Second World War, Occupational Therapy had presented in India, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong…Some countries in Asia and  and Africa, Occupational Therapy has developed lately and to  and Vietnam, it is a very new profession. ...
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